Tuesday 19 August 2014

Learning to post

Kokerbin Rock Trip
We have visited the rock before but didn’t stay as it was packed like sardines, we decided to go during winter and on a cold weekend hoping there would be fewer people there. Last weekend provided the opportunity to head off in our new second-hand CT, Saturday the temperature was -2.9 and Sunday -3.1. The camping area had a maximum of three vans and they were middle age plus. On the way we collected wood to last us the two nights and enjoyed the warmth of the fire.
We left on Friday morning and went via York Youndegin and minor roads to Mt Stirling and onto the Rock, going this way we avoided going through Quairading. The roads were all excellent.
On approaching the rock we stopped and spoke to the farmer’s wife who owns the farm adjacent to the Kokerbin Rock reserve, she confirmed that the rock area will become day use only around Xmas time, she indicated that work had commenced on constructing and camping area at the old Kwolyn town site
This lady was very interesting and a mine of information, she said that her grandfather used  the old well at Kokerbin to water his stock and actually fell into it and manage to grab the tree trunk that runs through the well, and her mother used the windlass to raise her father to the surface . The also said that Mt Caroline Reserve is fully fenced as the Rock wallabies won’t come down to feed whilst the foxes are about, I believe that the foxes within the fence are being eradicated.
We spent our two days at the rock exploring and soaking up the atmosphere and the magnificent magic of the rock. I climbed the summit and the views of the surrounding country side were well worth the effort.

We heard a few birds in the mornings but saw no other wildlife; I have posted a pic of a bird and would appreciate it if you could identify it.

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